So, let’s begin…

Let me start off with a friendly WELCOME to my blog! I am happy you stopped by.

I suppose we’ll start off with the facts and move on from there. I’ll tell you a bit about me and then why this whole blog thing came about.

Okay: Me

I’m 42 and living a pretty content life in the woods of NEPA. My husband and I have been married 14 years (as of this writing) and we are raising our three children ages 13, 11, and 9, two boys and one girl.

In my former life (Ha) I was an elementary and early childhood trained teacher and I worked for a local childcare agency for 15 years, in various positions. My work outside the home ended in 2014 as we made the decision that I would become a stay-at-home mom. A hard decision, but absolutely the best one we have made!

Every part of our life is centered around our love for Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior. In our everyday lives we seek to live for Him. And, as those words come together on the screen, I am deeply reminded how much we rely on God’s unending and unfailing grace toward us, as we fail often!

Our family loves the outdoors and we take advantage of many opportunities to hike, camp, hunt, bike, fish, and explore. We so enjoy our time as a family and make being together a priority.

And now, while taking care of my family and home, I am also able to spend time doing some things I love such as: reading great books, serving at my church, knitting and crocheting, figuring out how to live simply and frugally, cooking, gardening, and…as of right now…blogging!

Okay: The Blog

Obviously every blog gets started because someone has a desire. My desire is for this space to be somewhat of a creative outlet for the words that swirl around in my head.

I ponder. A lot.

I question. A lot.

I figure things out. A little.

For about a year I’ve felt this nudge to share some of the thoughts that I have. And, after a lot of praying and waiting, I have decided to stick my toes into the big waters of this word-filled world.

So, my plan is mainly to write just to write. Sort of record my journey along life’s twisty ups and downs. But, I am also wanting this space to be encouraging for anyone else who decides to read and/or share.

You will probably find me writing a lot about what I’m learning from God’s Word as well as from the books I read. So many great authors, so little time…

I’ll also share some of life’s snippets along the way.

A Slow and Steady Pace – It seems that this is me. If you’re looking for a super outgoing, go-getter, trend setter, on the edge of all things great… Sorry! BUT, if you are interested in the thoughts of someone who is committed to finishing the race well, someone who enjoys the little things in life, someone who believes that the ordinary is extraordinary… then we can probably be friends. I surely don’t have everything in life all figured out, but each day I am learning more and more to walk with the Lord at the pace he has set for me.

Thanks for being here!

Your kind comments will always be welcome! I love hearing others ideas and thoughts! However, I do reserve the right to keep this a safe, positive place for all who share. So, any cutting down of myself and others will be removed.